Relationships are the Root of Success
Thriving communities give off a special kind of vibe. There’s an energy and a dynamic that spreads in the smiles, actions and connections that are shared among the people of any successful community. I once heard the statement: “The Roots Determine the Fruits” and it resonated with me. Another similar message was “Garbage in, garbage out.” When it comes to the health of individuals it makes complete sense.
Imagine a grove of healthy, strong trees. The strength of one does not make all of them strong, nor does one smaller, weaker tree create a weak system for all the trees’ health.
No, the roots are the foundation for the health of any organization — groves, families, cities, countries — all the goodness comes from the roots.
I spend a lot of time thinking about communities. And, about how to make them stronger. The answer is not more, the answer is better quality.
We say things like, “A rising tide lifts all ships” as if it’s a magic spell. We just need to say these words, and all will rise.
If the fruits are a result of the roots, it’s going to take more than just a storm surge to improve the communities we live in and love so much. Our love can be both dividing and uniting, depending on where our love is coming from.
And, if the roots of our love are healthy and strong, resilient and determined to give fruit to the world, we have everything we need. People, not systems determine a healthy thriving community.
The systems, when developed in a healthy environment, unite, not divide.
Relationships, trust, respect, concern, empathy, love. That is the stuff of great communities.
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